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This is the blog of Michael and Vicki Smith.

Established 2003.

More Snow for the New Year

More Snow for the New Year

We deem 2017 The Year of Positive Change. 

This weekend will be our third serious snow/freezing event in Portland.  So much for global warming. 😐

Last week, we went to central Oregon to support Mom and Dad during Mom’s surgery. The roads were snowy and there was a snow storm.  We got to the base of Santiam Pass and learned the road was closed due to an avalanche. We waited in the car in 13 degree weather, in a snow storm, for 45 minutes with other cars. It was good we had a blanket for Iris (who was awesome and definitely didn’t want to go out for a pee break in the snow) and snacks and water for us. Eventually, we learned they were telling the truckers it would take 6 hours to clear. We left. At the rest stop at Detroit Lake, we checked Tripcheck and saw the pass opened. We turned around and made it the rest of the way to Bend.  Mom’s surgery went well, so it was a successful trip. 

So much for my January goals (no resolutions this year). I have a cold that’s kicking my butt. Hopefully, I’ll get over it soon and can join Mike in his dedication to being fit and healthy. 

Almost-Memorial Day Weekend Camping at Prineville Reservoir

Almost-Memorial Day Weekend Camping at Prineville Reservoir