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This is the blog of Michael and Vicki Smith.

Established 2003.

The Camping Life

The Camping Life

Glacier Nat’l Park is beautiful – the little we can see. The weather has been overcast and is hiding the mountains. Apparently, it rained here so much in the last couple weeks that it caused avalanches that took out part of Going-to-the-Sun Road. We are on the west side of the park, and the road is closed at Avalanche Creek, which isn’t very far in. But, we have a great campsite and are enjoying what we can see.

The weather is a bit of a hiccup too. It rains pretty consistently throughout the day, anything from a light rain to a complete downpour where the windshield wipers can’t keep up. We are so glad to be in the Casita and not tent camping.

The weather forecast called for heavy rain and lighting today. We decided to call it a Rain Day. We got a nice run in this morning, going along a bike trail into the forest. We felt a little foolish carrying bear spray on a run until we came to a sign warning that we were entering bear territory and were assuming all related risks. Maybe we didn’t look so silly afterall. Next, we drove as far into the park as we could and checked out the views. A quick trip to Kalispell to help prepare for our trip to Canada and to buy Iris a squeaky toy and then fajitas at the Casita finished up our day. Since we are primitive camping and decided not to buy a generator, we are making due with very little electricity. It would be nice to just hole up and have a Game of Thrones marathon in this weather, but we’ll save it for the next rainy day at a campsite with hookups.

Still raining

Still raining

Drinking huckleberry beer in Whitefish, MT

Drinking huckleberry beer in Whitefish, MT