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This is the blog of Michael and Vicki Smith.

Established 2003.

Strike Two

Since the kayaks were loaded on the truck, we decided to go Hagg Lake. The plan was to start the day with a 6-mile trail run and then kayak and let Iris swim. We did a 3-mile trial run. It was harder than I remembered. Then, we unloaded the kayaks where we saw others unload them several weeks ago. The problem was that the water level dropped nearly 5′ or so. We had to carry the kayaks a ways and through thick mud to get to the lake. (Actually, Mike took the blue kayak by himself to the water.) Iris wasn’t thrilled to get in the kayak and kept locking her legs against the outside of the kayak hole when we tried to put her in it. Then, she refused to sit. She was having no part of it. We eventually won the battle of wills, but it took both Mike and I to convince her. It was great to be on the water again. Then, it started to rain. It rained the entire time we paddled. Iris would whine whenever we got near each other because she was unhappy. Needless no say, it was a short paddling trip.

It seems like we were not meant to be outside this weekend, though we had a good time, learned some lessons, and laughed at every obstacle.

Let’s call it a Learning Experience

Let’s call it a Learning Experience

Sittin’ like a Cool Cat

Sittin’ like a Cool Cat