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This is the blog of Michael and Vicki Smith.

Established 2003.

Marathon weekend

We dropped off the dog at Darin’s and headed down to Eugene to the Marathon expo to pick up my race packet. It was a little too busy for our taste. I swapped my white women’s cut shirt for a nicer unisex, dark green shirt. It’s cool. We also saw Meb Keflezighi there. He won the silver metal at the 2004 Olympics. He was signing books. We didn’t get in line but it was neat just to see such an amazing athlete.

Tomorrow is the big event and I’m ready for it. I feel sluggish from eating so many carbs the last few days but I think I properly carbo-loaded this time. The weather is supposed to be beautiful too but just a hair warm, in then 50s. Here’s hoping for a great run.

4:02:35 – a new PR

4:02:35 – a new PR

Eggless this week, next week we get egged.