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This is the blog of Michael and Vicki Smith.

Established 2003.

Work & a trip to Spokane

Work & a trip to Spokane

It was not a great weekend for Mike.  He worked on his website again all weekend.  Luckily, it’s close to being completed and he can start enjoying his weekends again soon.  Mike is excited about how good his website looks.

I went to Spokane on Saturday and ran Bloomsday with Tina today.  Actually, we walked most of it because we were too busy talking at the beginning to get a good starting location.  We ended up starting with the walkers and were trapped in with them throughout the race.  That was fine though because it gave us more opportunity to catch up.  Of course, it also gave me more opportunity for a sunburn.  The T-shirts are quite ugly this year.

Excited for City of Rocks

Excited for City of Rocks

Rebuilding Together

Rebuilding Together